The Home for Girls' Capacity Building

The She Honed for Excellence (SHE) Is a non-governmental organization serving adolescent girls’ best interests. It’s a home for girls’ capacity building. SHE thrives on creating a safe space for girls to acquire essential social and employability skills and ensure young girls’ mental health and well-being– of young girls ( 10-21) around Rwanda, providing them with better opportunities to contribute to the broader social and economic outcomes of the wider community


Career-related Learning & Guidance

Under Career Related Learning and Career-Guidance, girls discover more of who they are, connect to their values and purpose, envision what’s possible, and create a life that’s stainable and fulfilling, and meaningful.

Entrepreneurship Aspirations

We are on a mission to break the cycle of women being minorities in the entrepreneurship realm! We acknowledge girls are equally created to become and do anything just like their counterparts without necessarily being limited by gender mostly.

STEM For All

Only activities designed to challenge stereotypes and the manners in which girls’ abilities are perceived, and actions that boost girls’ abilities in the STEM realm are carried out.


We provide sufficient scholarship assistance to enable more significant success in high school, backing deserving girls who want to graduate with their high school certificate and give back to society.

Updates & Blogs

Review - 2022

SHE's 2021 Annual Review

SHE_2022 GLOW Summit

2023 Beyond Myth Project

Annual Report 2023

Beyond Myth

Through the Beyond Myths project, we cultivate a deep sense of self-worth in adolescent girls. Our sessions provide spaces for young girls to learn and grow while respecting differences in gender, financial and social status, way of thinking and learning.

Learn Mode...

The truth is that each human race has something empirical to share. Suppose our beautiful energy is wasted on feelings of worthlessness or insecurity, or we cannot deal with hardships healthily. In that case, the world never gets to meet us fully.


When we value ourselves as strong, capable, worthy and confident in our body, our intelligence, our sexuality, and everything that we believe makes us who we are, we then have the ability to greet the world with our full potential.


At SHE, we took this as our assignment. Through the Beyond Myths project, we cultivate a deep sense of self-worth in adolescent girls. Our sessions provide spaces for young girls to learn and grow while respecting differences in gender, financial and social status, way of thinking and learning.

Annual Target


Enrolled Girls


Impacted Schools




Trained Staff

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