About us
The She Honed for Excellence (SHE) Is a non-governmental organization serving adolescent girls’ best interests. It’s a home for girls’ capacity building. SHE thrives on creating a safe space for girls to acquire essential social and employability skills and ensure young girls’ mental health and well-being– of young girls ( 10-21) around Rwanda, providing them with better opportunities to contribute to the broader social and economic outcomes of the wider community.
The programs at the SHE are designed to enrich girls with the tools they need to excel in their education, achieve goals, and change their communities, including the whole social stigma around females’ abilities in general. The end goal is to see our pioneers making an economic contribution to our nation and being part of social change that is closing the gap.
SHE believes that girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into schools. It is also about ensuring that they learn and feel safe while in school; complete all levels of education with skills to effectively compete in the labour market; learn the socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to this ever-changing world; [especially the world of employment], make the decision about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world.

“Our purpose, put simply, is to capacitate young and adolescent girls for community change through entrepreneurship, career-related learning, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)”
“SHE envisioned a world where girls are the main drivers of their success and believers in their power.
- Connection
- Leadership
- Resilience
- Empowerment
- Support
- Respect, Respect, Advocacy